Cecelia Weir - The Call For Truth Is Out

2014-11-07 1

You call on me
You worry on me
With all your empty lies.
Then you want me to respect
Whatever you decide.

Why can't you do
What you say yourself.
Then I can have graceful time
For the rest of my life
Thats left.

What decisions for me
Are you capable of making
When you can't respect them
Even a little for yourself
OK so we need a little help.

I have a full length mirror
I visit at home each day.
It reflects my dignity
And integrity
Also the things I've had to say.

It always tells the truth
It never covers up
Just because its me.
It doesn't tell what I wish to hear
But it shows it knows me sho'nuf.

The Call For Truth Is Out
To everybody on the planet.
If we would just stop
To take a deep look into the mirror
And not faint but be able to stand it.

The world cries for good character
Built upon a foundation of stamina.
Measured for your very best
From the position where you are
Now grip it go forth and handle it.

Cecelia Weir
