The cathedral of horror is built inside of me...
Involuntarily trembling...
I can hear your words,
Your whispers and screams
Are surrounding me,
I can’t think!
I can’t control my raging feelings,
The trembling is so strong!
I cannot control myself...
My eyes are crushing,
Under the weight of my tears...
The chainsaw of feelings is cutting me deep,
Deep enough to hit the bone,
Deep enough to make me tremble...
I look into your eyes
And all I can see is rage!
The church of happiness is damaged,
All of its bricks fall down on me,
I’m trying to escape this wreck,
But I cannot!
I am stuck here,
Like a shark in the sea!
I can’t breath anymore!
I do not wish to hear your loud cries,
I do not wish to see you cry...
I’ll let myself be crucified
And cut to pieces by you...
Just make sure I live
To see you cut me,
I live to see how
Your chainsaw
Goes through my flesh,
Goes through my bones,
Make sure I bleed to death!
©Elya Thorn. Do not republish without permission!
Part of 'Dark Whisperings and Invocations'
Elya Thorn