Wikid Jay - Razored Wrists

2014-11-07 2

She sat there
With just a handful of regret
To think that she could pass through life
Without discent

With a cut around her wrist
And blood it pours
Without regret
Just thinking how quickly it will all be over
From the life when it was torn

She pushes it deep through her veins
Until she couldn't see
The razor that pushed in her blood
Poured out as wicked as can be

She sat in the corner
White and pale
With blood coming down her wrist
She would not wail
Because all she thought was how she lingered
Around the idea that would not bail

She lays on the ground
Eyes closing, skin grave
All she thought was now its over
And there her body lay
All cold and white
As soon as it was all over

Wikid Jay