Hugh Cobb - Heart's Song, the Inadequacy of Words

2014-11-07 6

How can I express the inexpressible?
Paint with words a portrait of my heart
when I think of you -
Not the pulsing muscle
pumping blood
but the whirling center
of feeling itself?

Descriptions fail;
though I might compare you
to a day in late Spring
when life bursts forth
changeable as
weather in early June.

I could tell you how
I fell, helpless, beneath your gaze,
my heart willing captive
to laughing eyes & winsome smile.
How it sings when we speak;
how I remain in thrall
held by the beauty of your spirit;
how it longs for your presence
in more than memory
or a disembodied voice
in the ether.

I could tell you all this
& so much more
it could fill volumes
& still not suffice.
Just know this:

My heart has made its choice
& I, its rapt & hopeless slave,
can only surrender & obey.

(Copyright 12/30/2005)

Hugh Cobb