Ravi Sathasivam - My gift of wedding anniversary..........

2014-11-07 4

Since we married, our journey of life was

pleasant and sailed without any trouble

We know the day when we started our life

We were close to each other's hearts as a good life partners

But there were days we had gone through pain in our life

because no child had born to us for a long time.

You were very upset about me and tried to keep me away

You thought that I am incapable to give you a child

You treated me with unpleasant words and miserable life

Those roads were very hard for me to travel but I did it

Because my faith and love made me to over come all those obstacles

And today we are blessed with a baby boy and he is a God's child

When I see my child’s face then I forget all those mistakes

and pains that's you have given to me.

And still I treat you as my wonderful and loving husband

Since, eighteen years have been passed and our wedding

anniversary is due to fall shortly and let us pray God to give us long life

And let us forget all our past life of bitterness and look for a life

that will take us a joinery of LOVE with our ever loving baby.

Ravi Sathasivam / Sri Lanka

Ravi Sathasivam


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