Jon Edward Walker - Waiting for the call of God or anyone

2014-11-07 2

at the pool hall
I see a young man
seventeen maybe 18
with a girl of similar age
that struts and poises,
arching her back
extending her legs and ass
like a lioness stretching
trying desperately to get
this young man's attention
he is pretending not to notice
while every other man in
the room does
finally I can’t take it
and I write
my phone number on a napkin
along with this message:
“when your tired of this
boy give a real man a try”
he looks at me as I look at her
and she looks at the note
while I walk away
he asks her
“what was that? ”
“nothing, just an old friend”
I smile with my back turned
It’s been three days though
and no phone call.
Maybe my forwardness
has spurred the young lad into action
I’d like to think so

Jon Edward Walker