Herbert Nehrlich - Sauerkraut Scum

2014-11-07 6

We Krauts do like our Sauerkraut
although we do enjoy a trout.
And vegemite, Australian made,
not peanut butter, I'm afraid.

To add more crucial information
(in case you missed my explanation) ,
when Sauerkraut is really bubbling
within its core, there grows a troubling
and ugly looking, grayish slime
it multiplies in record time.
We call it, fittingly, the SCUM,
I hear it can be found in Rum.
The smart farmwoman surely knows
that trouble brews where this thing grows.

She skims it off and dumps it in
the drain (it thrives inside a bin) ,
but vigilance must be maintained,
it will not do to act restrained.

This world is constantly creating
more scum, it comes from evils mating.

Herbert Nehrlich
