Jacqueline Amos - The Angels Cried Holy

2014-11-07 19

Angels Cried Out Holy

The redemption on the world stood tall
The eyes of the sun lingered upon man
I raise my hands upon the sky
In the mist of t he wind I cried out loud
Oh holy, holy, holy, lord my eyes on the sun.
The world continued at its pace, oh thy almighty God
I cry out loud upon this space, the pain of that wrath
Understanding that your words will be done, as I sit upon
The hell of despair, my eyes are watching you Lord thy God
Shall I rest, upon this darken housed, seems like every thing
Is going wrong, I wonder and I know the scars of man, lord
Glory to God, forgive my brothers and sisters as I.

Upon the cross I lay my burden down, I cry out loud upon the skies
Holy, Holy, Holy, the world has come to an end.
Holy, Holy, Holy, take my hands dear lord
To the other side of your house;

Lord lay your blessings upon me, I Am the testimony
You turn me round lord, and set my feet upon solid ground.
It dose not matter what you done, I am the testimony lord say come on home, Surrender your life today, there can’t be much time left, upon this cruel place Call earth, Lord God almighty, brother how long have it been, don’t you think It’s been much to long. The angels stood before the rising of the sun, and cried out loud lord thy God, Holy, Holy, Holy, how long has it been.

copywrite 2004 Noumi Collection

Jacqueline Amos
