George Murdock - Anyone's Grandmother

2014-11-07 1

An impression boils and vapor coalesces on a broad white leaf
Like the rendered nectar from a delicate dandelion
Brushed and vibrant cascading in the dawn light
Her soft silver hair tied back in a knot and skewed with a whale bone
Those delicate fingers snatching the skein
Flitting about like moths round a gaslight
Fashioning a fine barbed steel brocade
Or shaking out the weavers with a yellow straw broom
Watching them disappear over the roof in a startled cloud
Rolling the callow in flour
Dropping them like pink dumplings
Into the crackling oil
The smells that stole from that kitchen
I'll recall to my dying day
Apple cinnamon fritters
Buttery steaming hot rolls, perfectly tanned
Ginger bread babies with red gumdropp eyes
I miss your bent form
Shrieking 'Rock of Ages' like some
Tortured squab in one of your pigeon pies

George Murdock

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