draw on backs?
we’d whisper
brothers still
sharing a bunk
so we’d play
the dark, the restless
hours away
first marking
the top with a touch
of a single tiny fingertip
transforming fingers
strokes and pokes
the makers images
to the mind’s eye
lines flow together
to cognizance,
colors crystallized
in the transmission
simple shapes
evolve to letters
words, messages
panoramic in landscape
allowed one repeat
a correct guess
will win you
another view
but, if you miss
my turn
our most intimate
physical contact
for we hardly hugged
sometimes scratched
were frequently fighting
but always writing
on backs
later lovers
fingers learned
other terrains
bold and true
colors came
now fingers
fathers ritual remains,
often follows
after lights go
out come
moons, stars
clovers, hearts
and chocolate chip cookies
back again.
Tears In Rain