I lay lust aside and sleep
alone in constellations
of twinkling lullabies,
where the gentle breath
of linen and the sea
soothes the savage quiet
in hormones and nature.
Yet in flutters
the siren breeze
with an arabesque
to challenge my mournful chastity
it is the primal symphony
of mating.
I resist, I rebel, I renounce.
I plead,
no more
cruel reminders
of skin turned to dust
from lack of touch.
The cry is belated.
already music fills my ears,
lava fills my veins.
there is a crescendo,
in this goddess,
It becomes harmonic;
entrenched in my brain,
in my suffering heart,
in my desolate wetness.
I resist, I rebel
I surrender
to the absinthe of desire.
With feverish suffocation
I imagine
a whirlpool opera
of reverent flesh
wearily I caress
and think of love
devouring my fruits
and feasts
cascading into me
until silence claims its throne
ending the temporary suffering
like the benevolent queen that I am.
Eila Mahima Jaipaul