David SmithWhite - Blind Luck

2014-11-07 3

Don't waste your money! Don't throw it all away!
Or gamble with mistress chance, on some unlucky day.
Accidents are waiting: in ambush and surprise.
Facile gods are feting, and rolling cosmic dice.

Fickle luck is flagrant, to rob us of the prize.
Fate then 'ups the ante', like sight lost from the eyes.
Struck down in the random violence, of disease or natural cause;
senses turned internal, blind to the outside world.

But there is a Blind Society, that sees the simple truth:
all gain from technologies, as civil life is proof.
Sightless or unsighted, we all need a helping hand.
Will this ethos be denied us, for lack of funds or plan?

Don't waste your money! There may not be the time.
All mortals bide within a space, bound by the thinnest line.
Accidents can happen. Coincidence is rife.
Chaos - a strange condition, of our ordered life.

But there is a Blind Society, forced to the debtor's choice.
To rationalise priorities, and maintain the blind: a voice.
There is a Blind Society, with it's vision of the truth.
Those who give, give wisely, and show how lives improve.

Don't waste your money! Donate it to the cause.
Ensure a caring culture, of imaginative resource.
Don't waste your money! Don't throw it all away!
Invest in the fragile future. It can happen any day.

David SmithWhite
