Floyd grew up in dark Detroit.
Father drunkard and annoyed,
mother worked for dental clinic
what she saw made her a cynic.
Floyd was turning four that day,
to his uttermost dismay
mother took him to be seen
placed him near the Xray screen.
Dentist came and brought a brush,
Floyd objected, Doc said 'hush',
smeared the fluoride on his teeth
Floyd cried 'stop it pretty pleeth'.
Rinsed when finished and then spit
only Doc now had a fit,
Floyd had, unbeknownst to him
on a quite subconscious whim
wet his pants and those of Doc
(he could pee around the clock) ,
Doc exploded, yelled and hollered
Floyd got quite upset and swollered
all the stuff he was to spit
mother swore that 'this is it ',
meaning punishment was due
soaked was also her new shoe.
Lady Luck had been attending
this procedure which was ending
on a note so detrimental
what had been a simple, dental
health improving small procedure
now had turned into a feature
that required major action.
Floyd had fainted, in a fraction
of a second Doc was wise
he would not again arise
without drastic intervention
so they took him to detention
in the place called I C U
where he first turned white then blue.
'iodine, IV and bloods
plain films of the upper guts
clear for shock, both paddles, hope',
Doc is young, and bright, can cope.
All the tricks that they employed
couldn't save our Fluoride Floyd.
Herbert Nehrlich