Ernestine Northover - Life Just Knocks Me Down

2014-11-07 10

Some days I feel that 'life' just knocks me down,
Those harsh words said, your sharpness and your frown,
Remembering these things, what is the answer - how
Can I shake off those hurting actions now,
With each one forever chipping at my soul,
Sending me deep into this consuming hole
That I have carved into my life, when you
Departed for some other avenue.

I face this question with each day I greet,
How can I stay so upright on my feet,
When with a heavy heart, I try to face
The realisation that I must replace
You with another, Oh, how hard a task
For such as I, who hides behind a mask
With shattered thoughts I try hard to conceal.
Like an actor playing parts that are not real.

© Ernestine Northover

Ernestine Northover