Jon Edward Walker - A gentleman's resposibility

2014-11-07 1

Last night I thought I pissed on the lawn
this morning everyone in the trailer except me and Bobby
are sure that I pissed on his head.
I smell his head
it doesn’t smell like piss
but in our democratic rectangle
the populace have cast their vote

I ask Bobby what I can do to make it up to him
he wants a ½ gallon and a carton of cigarettes
I have $12.
I head downtown and began asking strangers for money
I tell them I pissed on crazy Bobby’s head
that he wants booze and cigarettes to compensate
I say I only have $12

I’m not sure if these strangers believe me
but sometimes I get change,
sometimes dollars
by 4 pm I have a handle of Kamchatka and a carton of Liggetts
by 4: 30 I’m back at the royal rectangle

Bobby’s gone
my pregnant girlfriend bitches at me for spending money on booze and cigarettes,
she’s hungry.
I tell her about responsibilities and promises men must keep in life
I offer to take her to the homeless shelter for dinner
it serves at 5: 30

I decide to open the vodka
Bobby wouldn’t mind I’m sure

Jon Edward Walker