Don Stratford - Poets Never Sleep

2014-11-07 3

There seems a never ending line
Of verse and rhyming words
From the poets at Poemhunter
They come galloping in herds

A never ending stream of poems
To delight and make you laugh
From the pens of all you poets
As they come across my path

The styles they vary greatly
Some are glad and some are sad
And some are lovey dovey
But none of them are bad

But there seems to be a feeling
From one and all who travel here?
That we basically are all the same
We all come here to peer

To have our little say
Of what we think about the things
That effect us and our world
And to help us spread our wings

So to you all I’d like to say
God bless, keep writing please
‘Cause this is how I get my fix
To stop would be to tease

Thank you all

Don Stratford © 4/ 10/ 2005

Don Stratford