Bob Gotti - Mere Christianity

2014-11-07 3

Today’s Religion one can truly call, an extension from Adam’s fall,
A diversion from God’s original plan, built upon the choice of man.
It is a choice that is fostered by, Satan, the one who began the lie.
The lie today anyone can see, in religion far from mere Christianity.

Many in Truth have their start, but through error, they soon depart.
Many professing religion today, say they know God in another way.
Christ said He was The Only Way, and then Jesus went on to say,
In me, you’ve seen The Father; so how could there be any other?

Friend, Satan is still out to deceive, causing many to fall, like Eve.
Paul warned of a great apostasy, in the end times, in Christianity.
Many will fall away from The Lord, when by Satan they’re allured,
To follow evil doctrines of men, that by Christ will be condemned.

Christ warned not to be deceived, by men who profess to believe,
Calling them white-washed tombs; pointing to their eternal doom.
By Satan they are deceived, to abandon what they have believed,
Led to follow hypocritical liars; those who lead men to eternal fire.

It’s just a façade that men show, to hide what others do not know,
That they are empty deep inside, for The Truth they have denied.
We need to call men back to sanity, to the fold of mere Christianity.
Where the only Truth is Jesus Christ, The Only Way to Eternal Life.

(Copyright ©09/2005)

Bob Gotti