All for the power of that little ball.
Their own bodies and reputations they did maul!
No longer even popping a baseball fly.
Power hitting oh so far and high!
Each became an 'injectable'.
Such power as to be undectable and almost respectable!
They became so familiar with each other's rear,
But each had such a career!
Jose was the leader and the first.
From his uniform his body seemed to burst!
Juan hit so many long home runs
As to be almost shot from guns!
Ivan became the greatest catcher.
None with greater stature!
Rafael may have used too much?
In the bedroom - no performance in the clutch?
Then, all came tumbling down.
Congress, parents and fans on them did frown!
But who was the early secret leader of this pack?
Who got them on this posterior needle track?
Such powerful Lone Star friends.
Their influence knows all ends?
When Rafael failed his 'roid test,
Who quickly defended him with such zest?
With all the other problems in the world,
His praise of Rafael did verbally swirl?
Why did on other more serious issues he pass?
Was he ultimately trying to save his own *ss?
Hubert Wilson