Herbert Nehrlich - Laughing Gas

2014-11-07 7

At eight p.m. that foggy night
he had experienced a fright.
The dentist sat inside his clinic,
the fright would shock the biggest cynic.

Two months it took to fix the teeth
of the stockbroker, man named Keith.
And when it crashed his small Beretta
was utilised for this vendetta.

He placed the nozzle in his mouth
stood by the window facing south
and blew to lots of smithereens
his teeth by such explosive means.

A dental clinic often has
a cylinder with laughing gas.
So, grab he did the see-through mask
it was designed for just this task.

He sucked as if it were the end
and soon the air and funny blend
pulled their own switches in his head
and he forgot that Keith was dead.

But there they showed it on TV
for all to hear and feel and see,
but laughing gas will change behaviour
and thus become a dentist's saviour.

Herbert Nehrlich
