Fernando Alvarez - -Broken-

2014-11-07 1

The broken mirror
You used to look in
The blood around you
And your clenched fist
Put the glass down
Don't hake a mistake
Alone with the mirror
You start to shake
You can't bleed out your lies, hopes, or dreams
You can't bleed out lost words, mistakes and your regrets
Just you and your mirror
So lonely and wet
You shake, as a tear rolls down your lonely face
Please look up, into your own eyes
Be strong, take off your stupid disguise
Think of the love
Someone could give
Think for your future
Look down at your fist
Gently unclench them
Put down the shard of glass
Wipe the blood and tears, off your face
Today starts your future
A cut for every time I've lied
A cut for every tear I hide
A cut for every word unsaid
A cut for every time I wish to be dead
A cut for every untold word
A cut for every cry unheard
A cut for every friendship lost
A cut for every unpaid cost
A cut for every tear I've cried
A cut for every soul that died
A cut for every hell I've made
A cut for everything tonight I've paid
The broken guy, come and see
Throw stones at him, it's free
No need to do so, he breaks on his own
That's why he's standing all alone
His hands are razors to make you bleed
Embrace himself in times of need
So his blades can kiss his skin
Release the voices from within
Tears fall from his eyes, so blank
Face corroded from the poison he drank
No life left in him at all
Only ghosts to make him fall
Only words to make him cry
Only screams of questions why
Smash the pieces on the floor
Pick them up and hurt me more
Cause that's all i want to see...
This broken guy in me.

Fernando Alvarez


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