Mary Nagy - How Do I Thank You?

2014-11-07 4

I was driving by the park yesterday and saw that girl.
She was holding a beer while leaning back on some scroungy guy.
I remember when she was in your class in 5th grade...she's only 16.
Does her mother know this is what she does
mid-day on a Tuesday?

I heard another kid in your class dropped out.
Since when is a 9th grade education enough?
That makes how many that just dropped out...
because they 'don't like it'?

The girl in your 5th hour wasn't there all last week.
She was busy... giving birth.
She's old... considering she's in the 11th grade.
(Compared to the 7th grader that just had a baby 3 months ago.)

I want to scream WAKE UP everytime I see them in town.
The ones wearing the booty-shorts and tiny tank tops.
Who do I thank for my wonderful daughters?
Do I just thank God that I was blessed with you?
How can I thank you for being the young women that you've become?
When I see all that is going on around you...
I'm amazed by your strength.

Mary Nagy

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