john tiong chunghoo - Walking through Myself

2014-11-07 0

i walk through myself
the stripe glass ferns
that jut out like blades
cut me in so many ways
the cakes, the chickens,
the birds in the trees that chirp,
tinkle the piano of my heart
calming my fractured nerves
i walk through myself
the insects, crickets that shrill
echo my emptiness, the universe
i walk through myself
to discover that what i see
what all homo sapiens say i see
are not what i see
but a part of myself
logged in the world
what i see in the mirror
in the field, in the river, the sky
are myself unlimited
and the stars, the moons, the planets
far far away, they are in me
waiting to be explored
as i close my eye
a blackhole boundless as i am
i walk through myself
to find myself in the dark
looking at myself in the trees, the fish,
anything that i dont see
reveals another's existence
oh god, give me that dimension too
you are hiding from us
in the light, in the dark
right in front of our eyes
so many things we see
through your sights
teaching me about my own identity
this body a sensory bundle to see myself
the real me lying everywhere

john tiong chunghoo