Herbert Nehrlich - A World Of Shadows

2014-11-07 1

A shadow is a second fiddle
and always feels inferior
it tries to reach the golden middle
of things in the interior
but is condemned to stay outside
can't mix it with the boys
can only come along to ride
like ragged children's toys.
A shadow has no real life
it is a saprophyte
though if you try to use a knife
cut loose this parasite
you'll find that no amount of prying
can kill this sad reflection
so now you know, there's no denying
you add to your collection
of fans and others who adore
your talent and your wit
a shadow sticks for evermore
it really is a zit
that needs supply from the outside
of nutrients to eat
it lives in layers of your hide
and draws your body heat
and when its life comes to an end
it shrivels up and dies
a shadow hovers to offend
and when rebuffed it cries
a zit is born with intellect
a shadow pretty dumb
the former would be a defect
the latter is a bum
who wants a handout from his host
that's why he never leaves
and clings to you just like a ghost
all shadows then are thieves.
A word of warning to you now
don't ever shadow-box
your shadow knows exactly how
he's agile as a fox
Then what, you ask is there to do
to make you shadow-free
you show him he has no IQ
and he will leave you be.

Herbert Nehrlich
