dab a brush of coal black color
unto your pale and fragile lashes
once you put it on. you become
giggling, twirling, oblivios
no thoughts inside this desert head
dark mascara blanketing
fearful thoughts. sheilding
her worried soul
she is afraid. does not want to be
this girl who cries, doesn't understand
this girl who cannot find the exit sign
on her daytime nightmares
this new identity is safer, easier
to be.
shields her tear-stained cheeks. mascara for
her red-rimmed eyes. eye shadow for
her shadowed eyelids
make-up hides the truth behind her eyes
she is out of control but no one needs to know
how in her bed at night she cannot sleep
in day she is a flickering smile
laughs on cue
rolls eyes when the right words said
see how easy it is?
to be one shrouded by mascara
to exist as though nothing is wrong
to pretend I'm not falling apart
my cover soon to dissolve
mascara cannot cloud forever
gina prettybrowneyes