Rev. Dr. A. Jacob Hassler - The C-Bomb

2014-11-07 3

women have the advantage in most fights
they can make you sleep on the couch for nights

they can refuse to cook, refuse to pleasure
they can consume your every minute of leisure

but there is one bomb in the masculine weapons cache
sure to end all dispute in a flash

if you feel up to the audacious stunt
just pull back your tongue and call her a cunt

you’ll feel real good, you’ll feel self-assured
but don’t be surprised if your vision gets blurred

when she slaps you across your smug stupid face
and starts kicking you all over the damn place

you’ll leave for work, and while you’re gone
she will have thrown all your shit out onto the lawn

she’ll slash your tires, she’ll cut holes in your socks!
yeah, you’ll be glad you called her a cunt, you sly fox.

Rev. Dr. A. Jacob Hassler