Laura Thacker - Users and Abusers

2014-11-07 14

I hope you know
That being used
And abused
Is a pain
That never leaves
Those who seem to love
Being the user
The abuser
Seem to try to find me
So they can introduce me
To another form of pain
Those jerks
Who think that I,
An innocent victim,
Am just another game
To be played
I have sworn
That it will never happen again
Yet I know it will
In my frantic search
To find “the one”
Who will hold me
Love me
Yet all those I meet
Never measure up
All those I meet
Know nothing
Of loyalty
Of love
Those that I meet
Know only of their desires
And believe that every person
Is just another piece
Of entertainment
Meant for one night
Of pleasure
And to be thrown out
The next morning
This continues
In a never-ending circle
Why this happens
I’ll never know
And lucky me
I get to be part
Of many circles
Why do men think
That my time
Is theirs?
It doesn’t make sense
The more I live
The more I get burned
The dating field
May as well be
A field filled
With bleeding hearts
Mine has been sliced
And diced
By many hands
By those users
The abusers
Who seek me out
Those jerks
Why choose me?
What have I done?
I need to know

Laura Thacker