If you may, I'd like to know
Why it seems, as if I don't get this poem thing
I try all different styles
Yet, the same odd message rings
I know I'm far from the best
probably will never give it a rest
But I really think some of my poetry stinks
I have others still set aside
But I'm very ill about showing
It's as if no one ever knows what's been wrote out
I do take quite some time
And there is thought which I do put behind
But you all just leave it as if I've committed some kind of crime
I'm not here to fool around nor to play games
I've got that kind of stuff all around my house
If only you knew
That is true
With what I do is turning me blue
I simply just don't understand
How you all take some kind of joy
As if you are on top of a cake
When you rate
you rate only formation
I don't really care for this site
It has a group pouring a foundation
So if I do not write in such your way
I am just a bore to too many who are touching my core
Surely you may see or read my point this time
Maybe the only time I can do this deed
Yet I do read what some of you write
And it gives me quite a sight
But I do believe I do not see what is the ease
I like complexities, not just everything spelt out for me
Maybe I'm an analyst, not a poet
Jodilee Duke