Lynette Dias Gouveia - My Hand is Outstretched

2014-11-07 2

You difficult man
Let me into your soul
My hand is outstretched
For you to hold

Let me run my fingers
Through your hair
Kiss you with my eyes
Touch you with the air

Let me shelter your passion
A salvation you so much need
To cleanse you from the apostasy
On which your demons feed

I can only offer my love
You afflicted man
My hand is outstretched
Reach out to me

Let me take you to places
Places where you can
Smell the colours and see the scents
Places where simplicity prevails

Let me remove the impediments
From your eyes
At least let me give you sight
I can see, so perfectly see
The aura which you breathe

Mysterious man
Turn if you can
Search the depths of my soul
.. and see..
My hand is outstretched

-1998 – ©Copyright Lynette Dias-Gouveia

Lynette Dias Gouveia