I am so proud of you!
I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming! I have said it before and said it so many times.
I have noticed your accomplishments and seen the things you have done.
I will always reward you by showing my understandings, and to showing my love.
You don’t have to make me feel that you have to impress me
I will continue to tell you the do’s and the don’ts.
Sometimes I will nag at you, and I will never want you to give up on your stride.
So remember this, no matter what I will always love you, you have given me so much pride. That’s what I see in you.
I will continue to ask many questions and drive you out your mind,
but, that‘s what a mother suppose to do.
I think you’re courageous, sweet hearted, loving, caring and all the things I wanted in a son.
You are being so daring each and every day,
I am so proud of you!
When you think people don't understand and you think that you are dumb.
I hope by knowing this I am so you proud of you,
because you really do your best in everything you DO.
Pam Fraser