C.J. Heck - The Cookie Jar Adventure (Preschool)

2014-11-07 22

Wakey-wakey from our beds,
thoughts of cookies in our heads.

Mom and Daddy's eyes are closed.
They are sleeping. They won't know.

Hurry-hurry, on the double,
if they wake, we'll be in trouble.

Blankies, pillows, on the floor.
Squeaky-squeaky goes the door.

Shhh, shhh, tippy-toe.
To the kitchen we will go.

Sneaky-sneaky down the hall,
bare feet creeping 'long the wall.

C'mon, Sissy, it's not far,
there it is, the cookie jar!

I can't reach it, I'm too small.
Get a chair to make us tall.

Shuffle-shuffle, scooty chair,
pushy-pushy, almost there.

Clinky-clinky goes the top,
hold it tight, or it will drop.

Giggle, giggle, tee-hee-hee,
two for you, and two for me.

Uh oh, Sissy, turn around...
Mom and Daddy. We've been found.

Peeky-peeky, Mom and dad,
are you angry? Are you mad?

Whisper-whisper, over there...
they want to know if we will share!

C.J. Heck
