JeanFrancois Denis - Dad and Son

2014-11-07 10

A dad, a son,
One life, one love,
A road, all alone,
One last strife, from above.
Dad's ticket has been bought,
Dad's heart has been shot.
Unfair, son cries,
Dad dries.
Shaky hands rub son's face,
With embrace,
Dad whispers words,
In son's ear.
Another tear of the son falls,
On dad's palm vanishing with rainfalls.
Can not breathe easy,
Blood flows from dad's body.
Dad smiles and looks his son,
As his hand falls on the ground.
Eyes stay glassy and empty,
A tear dropp stays still on dad's eyelash.
Tears in son's eyes,
Dad slowly dies,
In weak son's hands.
By the road purple lilies smile,
Red roses seem to die.
Son takes a sweet lilie
Lies it in his father's hand,
And whispers slowly;
'I know, I know, me too dad'.

Last dad's words;
Son, I am sorry,
I never said,
But I......

JeanFrancois Denis