Bob Gotti - Love, Faith and Hope

2014-11-07 36

Love is one identifying mark that sets Believers and others apart.
Men will know us from others when we have love one for another.
Love covers a multitude of sin, when you have Christ’s love within.
It was Christ’s love on the cross that covered the sins of the lost.

No greater love to comprehend than giving one’s life for a friend.
In His love, God did condescend, saving sinners like us, my friend.
We display the love of Christ, when we become a living sacrifice.
It’s a reasonable service to Him; As His Love washed away our sin.

If in your life you give God His place, He will then fill you with faith.
This Faith centers upon Him; as Christ turns you from a life of sin.
Faith becomes your foundation, the moment you receive Salvation.
Friend in your newly found Faith, you will be led by God’s Grace.

And friend your Faith is assured, as you put your Hope in The Lord,
Not in your life or other men but Hope in the One who God did send.
For Christ is The Hope of all men, He is The Beginning and The End,
As Christ is The Hope of certainty, that goes on well into Eternity.

My friend, Faith, Hope and Love, they are all gifts from God up above,
And if you glean from up above, you will see that the greatest is Love.
God’s Love produces in us a Faith that helps us point to God’s Grace.
Grace appeared to all then, and Christ remains The Hope of all men.

(Copyright ©12/2004)

Bob Gotti