Amberlee Carter - putting myself to bed

2014-11-07 2

what is night?
if not
a calligraphers darkest well
from which he draws,
to appraise the antiquty of stars-

what is night?
if not
jet black, cobalt dark,
the bruises under your eyes
mimic the depth of sky-

I've fallen into
seas that flooded my dreams-
where you were star wandering
on shores of twilight dust. Stuck to your toes and you
brushed the residue from your fingertips,
wiped my memory off your lips-
With this kiss,
I wish you the darkest of halls to haunt,
the deepest oceans to wade and
the longest roads of melancholy-

what is night?
if not
loneliness and wind?

and what is night to night?
does it know
the deepest, darkest secrets it holds?
what is night?
if not
a snake eating it's tail-
if not
poisonous to itself?

what is night?
if not
a solitary voice of one? ..........Lover,

what is night?
if not
constellations of gods, dragons and afterlife-
if not
as suffocating as being buried alive.

Amberlee Carter