The cup of coffee cold
The haze of cigarettes still heavy hanging in the air
The wine glass on the floor
Those disconcerting memories now of the night before.
The shall I stay or go
The feeling that I should but then what the hell I know
Not knowing what to do
And I awake still sleeping, sleeping next to you.
The memories still gazed
Still flashing by me out of time and out of place
The did I do or not
The gnawing nagging feeling of not knowing not a lot.
The see you soon again
The longing to be out the door and we shall part as friends
The cup of coffee cold
The random recollections now of what went on before
The air with cigarettes
The knowing and not knowing and of not being fully sure.
Shall I stay or shall I go
The sort of question that we all find hard to answer
When we really ought to know.
David Keig