Ravi Sathasivam - Lord, forgive me for my sins....

2014-11-07 21

I am sorry my Lord, forgive me for my sins
I did not come to you as early as I thought
My love of material world kept me away from you
But now I realized the value of your goodness
Please bless and accept me in your shelter

I am sorry my Lord, forgive me for my sins
I did not listen to your precepts that presented to me
My evil soul kept me away from you
But now I realized the power of your words
Please bless and accept me in your shelter

I am sorry my Lord, forgive me for my sins
I did not visit your church or worship places
My depraved mind kept me away from you
But now I realized the worthiness of your love
Please bless and accept me in your shelter

Ravi Sathasivam
