Everyday you should be in The Word, this friend, I have often heard.
I need God to guide me every day, to listen to what He has to say.
For The Lord has a path set for me, to lead me safely into Eternity.
His Word is a light on my path, to guide me away from pending wrath.
But when I stray from His light, I walk from the day into the night.
I begin to kick against the goads, and wander down forbidden roads.
His Word is my very life to me, and it guides me when I can not see.
For The Word of God in my life, guards me from much pain and strife.
I must hide it in my heart, for Christ is with me each waking start.
And He goes with me throughout the day guiding every word I say.
And whenever I forget to pray, my heart deep inside begins to stray.
Then I forget The Word He instilled and act against my Father’s will.
His Word can not be ignored, for it’s sharper than a two edged sword.
And it cuts deep into the heart of man, and shows me just what I am.
I’m a sinner saved by God’s Grace, and daily I need to seek His face.
Prayer is how my heart may plea but The Word is how God speaks to me.
When through prayer I speak to Him, His Word helps me deal with sin.
With The Word dwelling within, the daily battles Christ helps me win.
His Word is an essential part in my life and how God cleanses my heart.
When I allow The Word to dwell in me, The Spirit truly sets me free.
Christ sets me free from my will so that in my life His is fulfilled.
And that, according to God’s Word, is to preach until all have heard.
That for me He paid the price, and on that cross I died with Christ.
And for me to serve Jesus Christ, my life must be a living sacrifice.
(Copyright ©07/2004)
Bob Gotti