Spying me draped in a six yard ebony dream
In his eye flared a roguish irreverent gleam
So from afar he came gushing like a sprite
And enthused the dull, dry starry night
Which had till then been still and asleep
To be astir suddenly with passions to reap
She too joined in the new script now staged
Billowing and swelling in the wind’s rage
Fanning and whipping like mad at his will
Snaking around me tightly as if a-thrill
Suddenly slipping free, trying to escape
Revealing my bosom‘s glorious shape
As away she flew, caught her in time I did
Laughingly holding her in an unsteady grip
Then drawing close to demurely my modesty wrap
All around me to prevent any further mishap
But mischievously she sprung free in a blink
To trail out along with my flowing russet tendrils
Now flapping like wings, managing to entice
Together with the wind, her accomplice so alive
Both entrenched deep in a plot to all beguile;
So with a sigh and on my lips a glowing smile
Sank I on the cold granite steps as was writ
To dreamily savour the languid sensuous script…
Apricot Dawn Lady