Frederick Kambemba Yamusangie - My ‘raison d’être’ as a poet

2014-11-07 27

Let them say whatever they want to say about me
Let them do whatever the want to do to me
They are just wasting their time
I don’t care anymore
They are just trying to distract me
As a poet I know what are my 'raison d’être'

As a poet,
I have duties to carry out
As a poet,
I have responsibilities to fulfil
As a poet,
I have a destiny to reach

So let them play the negative part
Of the game
And I, as a poet, will always play the positive part of the game
Which is talking to the heart of the entire humanity
Especially to those who have taken the time
To open up their heart to poets such as myself

Frederick Kambemba Yamusangie