Stray you pearls of endless flight,
Loose, feathered, inventing graceful,
Golden and free, wings soar a mile high,
Fill, fill this my chilly windy sky,
Watching, I'm soaring, I'm free inside,
Teary eyed I smile, oh I smile
Oh but, overthere, fat fingers creeping into position,
While grunting from some heartless stare,
'Ah, will be a good, 'cough', a good day',
From overthere, I overhear someone say,
BANG click BANG click BANG click BANG
If Heaven, 'twas shot down from overthere today.
Like the bruise, ouch, you can't help but touch,
I wander, heavy souled, plodding overthere,
To see, all I see, black guns, dark deadly stares,
But worse, worst of all, overthere,
I see Heaven shot down, murdered in the air,
Laying silent, still, in an ugly bloody pile overthere.
Cin Sweet Fields