Daniel Lloyd Kennedy - Life Will Go On

2014-11-07 14

When we were young our lives were new
Our shared romance and dreams they grew
Till that fateful day did come and finally the song was sung
But, Life Went On

It hurt and tore deep down inside, The tempest of that terrible ride
Yet slowly diligently I rose above, For life must rise as does my love
And, Life Went On

I'd lived and loved and hoped and cried, To fill my soul but no reply
To quench a fire and dream I'd held, that love and life did not unfold
Yet Still, Life Went On

Life's numbing monotony did well, Pain and feelings they were quelled
Through it all I was not forsaken, He simply had another one help me
And Too, Life Went On

I saw a life a form of rebirth, We brought 5 souls unto this Earth
They are my pride and their mothers, But now I find there is another
Oh Yes, Life Went On

It's not over this life I lead, There's so much left it's only a seed
My life could grow and yours can too
Say yes to me and let oneness come from two
And As Always, Life Will Go On.

Daniel Lloyd Kennedy
