C.J. Heck - Puddle Stompin' (Children)

2014-11-07 5

I like saying, spring has sprung.
I like the way it sounds.
And spring brings with it lots of rain,
(God's wringing out his clouds) .

Yay, rain means puddle stompin'!
After rain, they're everywhere.
No shoes or socks, I'm barefoot!
I get wet, but I don't care.

I don't think Mommy likes it
'cause I get muddy (ewwww) ,
but puddles just can't help it,
somehow mud gets in there, too.

Uh oh... here comes Mommy.
Hey, look at Mommy run!
Mommy's puddle stompin', too?
Now it's REALLY fun!

C.J. Heck
