The Lord up above is faithful and just even when He seems not to be,
In love He is faithful and true in the way He deals with you and me.
For things come into my life that I truly don't understand or desire,
But God is simply purging my life like gold in the crucible's fire.
For we are all like sheep that go astray and left on our own we roam,
So with His love, He gently guides and leads until we're safely home.
We are put on an earthy path that sometimes seems long and winding,
But our future is sure as His Covenant of Love is eternally binding.
When I go through darkened valleys, and His hand I can't readily see,
With His staff and rod, from up above The Good Shepherd comforts me.
And although my heart may seem to quake, God above makes no mistake,
For my God leads me down paths of righteousness for His Name's sake.
So when my world is in turmoil and my foundation seems to be shaken,
I shall not be afraid, for God is my helper and I won't be forsaken.
Where I go and what happens to me on earth, I may not understand,
But I know I have Eternal Life and can't be snatched from God's hand.
All things work for good for all who've been called to His purpose.
And who am I to question my God who is both Sovereign and timeless.
His goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life friend,
And then I will dwell with the Lord forever, as eternity has no end.
Bob Gotti