Dr John Celes - Sonnet: Money Buys Sinful Things

2014-11-07 13

Money can get a person murdered but
It can’t ev’r bring back life that has once left;
Money can build a palace from a hut!
It can’t give widows, husbands, love bereft.

Money can give love-making hours and lust;
It cannot wipe the sin of adultery;
Money can make idols that go to dust,
But can’t wipe tears, stop wars, crimes, misery.

Money can make a man tell false witness;
It cannot stifle justice of our God;
Money can buy a harem to Caress,
But not the Word of God who is the Lord!

Money can buy most things on earth but ne’er
A place in Heaven, the least however!

Dr John Celes
