Bob Gotti - The Lord's Harvest of Plenty

2014-11-07 5

What a truly awesome thought indeed,
That throughout your day you live among seed.

Not the seeds that one would find in the ground,
These are not seen, but in the heart they are found.

These seeds are planted by the children of God,
As they simply follow the path The Savior has trod.

Your life as a Christian is not merely good deeds,
As your faithful witness could plant one of these seeds.

Or your life may be busy with a seed you don't know,
And your faithful witness is helping that little seed grow.

Planting and watering, as a Christian, is all we afford,
While all of the growth of that seed comes from the Lord.

After a little growth it is no longer a seed,
But a new vibrant Christian prepared for a deed.

The deed that has been prepared, I'm sure that you know,
Is to plant some new seed and to help water and help grow.

Once they have grown, they are cut with God's sickle of love,
And taken by The Lord to their Father's Home up above.

Whether the numbers are few or they are many,
You can be part of The Lord's Harvest of Plenty.

(Copyright © 08/2002)

Bob Gotti