Bob Gotti - It Starts With The Fear of God

2014-11-07 31

It starts with the fear of God my friend and the fear of God alone,
That removes self from the heart and places Jesus on the throne.

Worldly knowledge won't change your heart, won't change it at all,
For my heart and yours, my friend, was tainted way back at the fall.

Even if you read God's Word and thoroughly understand what it said,
It won't benefit you at all my friend, if it only stays in your head.

For a head full of knowledge, even understanding, is only the start,
It becomes a true Saving Faith when you accept Jesus into your heart.

For it is with your heart you believe and are justified in His sight,
And with your mouth you confess and are saved, much to His delight.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and will be to the end,
For this world's wisdom is folly, in the eyes of The Lord my friend.

The fear of God is not weakness my friend, as it leads to Salvation,
While no fear or reverence towards God above leads to Damnation.

Man's wisdom and his desire to be God leads down all the wrong paths,
As God who sent His Son, as the Only Way, sits in Heaven and laughs.

These men always learning will never come to The Truth who will save,
And like the nations that forget God will be turned into the grave.

But there still is time for you to turn to The God of all creation,
And with fear in your heart, you can embrace His Truth of Salvation.

(Copyright © 03/2003)

Bob Gotti