Dr John Celes - Sonnet-To My Beloved Motherland, India

2014-11-07 463

My India, I’m proud to be thy son;
My heart with joy leaps for being here born;
My soul with anguish fills for havoc done;
If country needs my life, let me adorn.

This is my land beloved, my Motherland;
This is my home, my ancestors came from;
Even an inch of it, I cannot hand,
Nor spare it to an alien for a sum.

This is the air which I had breathed at first;
This is the soil that gave me food to eat;
This is the water which appeased my thirst;
This is the place that gave me my heart-beat.

My India, who canst challenge thy state?
My blood is thine for any future date.

Dr John Celes
