Bob Gotti - No Need To Fear My Friend

2014-11-07 1

Yes indeed, I'm going home one day very soon my dear friend,
My life on this earth is but a journey, it's definitely not the end.

Though there be wars and rumors of wars and all the earth be taken,
With my hope in The Rock of The Ages, my peace will not be shaken.

But those who know not The Lord will be taken down Satan's warpath,
Spiritually deceived they are all being led to God's final bloodbath.

But God's children have been redeemed and put on Salvation's path,
Have The Lord Jesus as their light and fear not war or the aftermath.

God's Judgment will fall on those who chose to mock and simply laugh,
But, those who chose to humbly fear The Lord will not suffer wrath.

And before God pours His Judgment down upon this wicked vile earth,
The Lord Jesus will first come to the clouds, to rapture His Church.

Friend, with many ominous signs you can be sure the end is very near,
Christians whose eyes are fixed on Jesus have nothing at all to fear.

Like the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of The Son of Man,
Take a look friend, and see these signs today are definitely at hand.

The earth became corrupt and all the people had corrupted their ways.
The earth was filled with violence friend, and this was Noah's days.

Not woe, but The Lord's return is what we should all be anticipating,
And with joy, for He comes with Salvation to those who are waiting.

(Copyright © 04/2003)

Bob Gotti

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