Bob Gotti - I Welcome Your Thoughts

2014-11-07 5

Friend I welcome your thoughts even if you disagree with what I say,
For it may give me the opportunity to send a thought or two your way.

Please bear with me if I should stumble on a word or two of my own,
The only words that really matter have been spoken from God's throne.

You may thrive on man's opinion while avoiding the Word of the Lord,
I'll stay in God's Eternal Word that's sharper than a two edged sword.

God's Word penetrates the soul and spirit, the heart of all mankind,
And He changes lives forever, giving sight to the spiritually blind.

Man's wisdom is simply based in pride and leads to man's exaltation,
While God's wisdom from above leads us to God's Eternal Salvation.

Once a worldly philosopher had decried that the living God was dead,
He may have thought he was wise, but God lives and he died instead.

This fool found out God was indeed alive and he had to face His Rod,
And it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

But my friend the same hands that deal with sin with sobering wrath,
You will find were open to the whole world on Calvary's bloody path.

In Isaiah it says “Come now, let us reason together, ” says the LORD.
My friend just as in Isaiah's day today the same message is implored.

And it doesn't matter what you think or say you haven't been ignored,
Humble yourself like Isaiah did for Christ is knocking on your door.

(Copyright © 05/2003)

Bob Gotti