Randy Johnson - Radiator hose

2014-11-07 5

(This poem is partially true)

My friend put a radiator hose in his pants and people thought he was well-endowed.
He seemed to grow over night and women wondered how.
He appeared to have a very big johnson and this was what many women believed.
But the ladies raised hell when they learned that they were being deceived.
He had women chasing him because they wanted to get him in the sack.
But a man came and told my friend that he wanted his radiator hose back.
When he pulled it out of his pants, the women attacked him.
They were really pissed because he didn't have what attracted them.
In reality his penis was only two inches long.
After they beat the crap out of him, they cut off his tiny schlong.
One of his attackers said he deserved what he got and most of the women agree.
Now my friend has to sit on the toilet when he pees.

Randy Johnson
