Richard Baird - The Ties That Bind

2014-11-07 13

We've had a happy holiday, to spend with those we love,
and; for "His" blessings in our lives; we thank "The Lord" above,
for "He" fulfills our every need, and brings good things our way,
we trust in "His" protection, as we all go on our way.
"God" bless us all and keep us, 'til we gather once again,
we'll treasure thoughts of all of you, until we see you then.
We thank you "father" for this gift, "your love we have to share,
and for "your" blessing in our lives, "your" guidance, and "your" care.
For time in joy! and revelry, refreshing to the mind,
we're thankful for a blessed chance, to share the ties that bind.

Richard Baird